Webster Technique
Looking for a chiropractor in Maple Grove for your prenatal care?
What is the Webster Technique?
Certified in prenatal care, Dr. Lopez offers this gentle, highly effective chiropractic adjustment for expectant mothers. It can help treat many of the physical discomforts experienced in pregnancy. It can also help create a more comfortable, safer, and easier birth for mom and baby by reducing nervous system stress and balancing pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments.
More and more women are discovering the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. We want to support you and your baby through this important time by helping your body to thrive in its most natural state with healthy alignment. This is why we offer the Webster Technique.
How does it work?
The expectant mother is invited to lie face down on the table, which is adjusted to accommodate her growing belly. Dr. Lopez will assess her pelvis and leg length to get an idea of her needs. He’ll apply light adjustments to realign her pelvis. Then, while lying on her back, she’ll receive treatment on the round ligament (located between the hip bone and belly button) that is under increasing tension throughout the pregnancy. The doctor will address any concerns she has about discomfort during pregnancy or issues during childbirth. He will offer any possible support to help ensure a safe and satisfying experience.
Who should consider it?
Women in any stage of pregnancy. Treatment can be preventative, helping to avoid common discomforts and prepare for a safe and natural delivery. It can also address specific issues, including giving babies that are breech the best opportunity to turn naturally.
Safe and Non-Invasive
Supports both mom and baby through a proven safe, and non-invasive treatment
Improves Pelvic Balance
Realigns the pelvis to enable a smoother birth process
Shorter labor and delivery and a faster recovery
Reduces Pregnancy Discomfort:
Releases ligaments and muscles
Often providing relief from common back and hip pain.
Gives Baby Space for Optimal Positioning:
Creates more room for the baby to move into position for a healthy delivery,
helping to avoid unplanned C-sections.
Why is it vitally important?
Pregnancy and childbirth can present many complications for both mother and child. C-section rates today are above average, and can produce health complications like infection, bleeding, and surgical injury. This can also mean complications for future births, such as placenta previa, accreta, or uterine rupture. For the child, a traumatic birth can result in digestive disorders, respiratory distress, difficulty with feeding, sleeping problems, and neurological defects. This technique has helped many women and babies to avoid these complications by facilitating proper pelvic movement that leads to a safer and healthier pregnancy and delivery.
Where did it come from?
The technique was developed over 30 years ago by Larry Webster, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), after his own daughter suffered a very long and difficult labor. Through incorporating this method, he was able to help many women experience a healthy pregnancy and birth process. He discovered that 95% of breech babies were able to move into the optimal position for birth.